man and woman holding each other s hands as a team

Collaboration is at the heart of what I do!

Unsurprisingly, I am a part of gen Z, meaning I have grown up with technology. In year five I started to do work with an iPad and found it to be an effective tool for writing. In year 6 I started using the iPad for presentations and collaborating more with others.

As you are probably aware, I am a dyslexic person with dysgraphia who had difficulties in my early learning. However, with the encouragement of my teachers and other supports, I started to present my work in a different way. I clearly remember being in year 6 and collaborating with a friend about fossil fuels – I illustrated and my friend and I did the voiceovers. It was an amazing experience where I was able to present in a creative and unique way. But I must say I am glad the video has gone to the void – it is quite old.

Things did improve at school, apart from some bumps in the road. In the second half of year seven, I was doing what I believe they now call project-based work. And of course, that was the beginning of “Something A Little Different”.

In year 9, two of (what I knew to be) the smartest kids in the class asked if I would be part of their English project and I was horrified. I didn’t want to disappoint them nor embarrass myself! One of these girls is still my friend today!

Overall, year 9 was a year where I branched out and had to get out and do things, I was uncomfortable with, such as stage managing, a school production, and releasing my first book.

In 2023, I will continue my journey but will never forget what it’s like to be a struggling learner. In the next few months. I will continue to work with others and undertake several projects.

It was in year 6 that I learned the importance of collaboration. And now collaboration is at the heart of what I do!