When we first decided to publish ‘Something A Little Different’ the reality was not exactly what I was ready for. It can be a technical process and involve several meetings, but when you get the proof copy of your book, it is a special moment!
Once the books are printed, the question is what to do next. I think you know where this is going – to be an author you need to be a public speaker, and be able to go out, promote your book and build a presence.
I was blown away how many people were willing to help me promote my books and my story. Covid put a stop to many things including me being on the road working with schools, libraries, and community groups.
With ‘Something A Little Different’ on the South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge it was great to be out working with schools again and to have the Honourable Blair Boyer, my local member and the Minister for Education, Training and Skills on a school visit.
On the 25th March 2023, I am heading back to the Tea Tree Gully Library for a new book launch. So good to be on the road again!